
AGM Invitation 2019

We're hosting our Annual General Meeting on February 21st at 4pm in our Indycube space in Cardiff Bay.

The AGM will be a chance to discuss the future of Indycube and have your say. As well as some key strategic updates, we'll be electing board members for the coming year - see below for your nominees. Afterwards we'll be retiring to the pub.

Light refreshments will be available. The event is free but please ensure you reserve your place via TicketSource so we can make sure there's enough coffee & biscuits to go around!

All members and allies of Indycube are welcome. See you there!

Meet your Board Nominees

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Stacey Adamiec

As a strategist and troubleshooter with several of her own businesses around people, property and purpose, Stacey is a big contributor to enterprise with social purpose and how they can engage with each other to become destination business models.


Philip Ross

Philip is a leading campaigner and activist around self-employment and small business. Amongst many other things, Philip is a freelance business-analyst on digital transformation projects mainly in the City of London, and founder of Sleuth Cooperative.

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Lynne Reynolds

Lynne runs gofal gair. As a strong believer in the cooperative and coworking movement, Lynne is keen to support colleagues across all sectors who work as individuals to thrive in an environment where equality and sustainability are respected and valued.

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Mark Doubler

Mark is a dad of four unruly children; a rubbish cyclist; & an expert in eating cheese. Mark works in a leadership role in a community mutual housing association in the Gwent Valleys, & understands that self-employment can be a fantastic choice or an unexpected set of circumstances.

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Bryan Collis

Bryan acts as a consultant to charities & social enterprises, as well as making paper. Bryan is a director of community coop Barod, as well as All Wales People First. As the world of work changes, Bryan hopes Indycube will be a part of helping people to adapt in ways that are beneficial to everyone.

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Huw Marshall

Huw established Awr Cymru, a CIC that supports & develops the Welsh language digital community, & oversees @YrAwrGymraeg, the Welsh language Twitter hour supporting hundreds of businesses & individuals to promote themselves through the Welsh medium.

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Omar Moulani

Omar is an original & active member of Cardiff Start, a technology group & forum for South Wales tech businesses. He is co-founder of, servicing companies all over the UK. Omar focusses on applying software improvements intertwined with carefully planned processes. 

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Maria Petnga-Wallace

Having previously worked in law, Maria began freelancing last year. The freedom of freelancing allows her the flexibility to always be at the school gate, as well as pursuing her passion of anti-racism in schools with Show Racism the Red Card, & writing a children's book set in Trelawney, Jamaica.

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David Llewellyn

David directs & owns 2 small companies - Blaengad Cyf & BRO, (co-owned.) He has background in creative community engagement & development & sustainability placemaking across Wales, & is actively engaged with the challenges we face in the 21st century, especially the changing nature of work.

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Adam Lowe

Adam is an award-winning writerpublisher & creative entrepreneur. His committee contributions focus on communications & inclusion, especially young people, people in the criminal justice sector, LGBT, BAME & disability. Adam has been interviewed on TV, radio & in print on a range of subjects.