HR Support at Indycube Community
Employing staff or thinking about it – get supported with IC & PitStopHR
When you are running a small business you cannot possibly do everything yourself. It might be how you start off, or perhaps you outsource some functions initially, but if you want to grow then you will need to think about employing other people within your business.
It can be a scary prospect and a complete leap into the unknown. It might even be something that you are currently putting off because you are very wary of what being an employer might involve.
Indycube are keen to help you with your business journey and to make sure you get expert support, which is why we are offering HR support through PitStopHR as part of your membership benefits package.
PitStop will not only provide you with advice over the phone and by email, but as a member of the Indycube Community you will also have access to all of their HR Library of letters, forms, flowcharts and guidance notes.
What sort of things can the PitStop team assist you with? Here are a few examples:
Hiring your first employee:
Offer letters, compliance with the latest employment law and HR best practice can be a little complicated if you have never dealt with this before or you do not deal with it on a regular basis. You will get all the relevant documents that you need to put this process together.
Employing others, the essentials:
You will be kept up to date on any changes in the legislation with the PitStop monthly newsletter and everything you need on holidays, flexible working, minimum wage and managing sickness absence, disciplinaries and grievances will be at your fingertips.
What can you do if it isn’t working out?
Having to let someone go or dismiss them is not the nicest job as an employer. If you have never done it before the PitStop team will guide you through the process and answer any questions you might have. They will also put together the supporting documents you need to be prepared when you have to let an employee go.
Plus packages for employment contracts for employees, sub-contract agreements for contractors and staff handbooks.
For a really reasonably fixed price the PitStop team are able to put together all the supporting documents you need to be able to employee people in your business (contracts and handbooks). Their service is especially for start-ups and written in language that is easily understood (as opposed to lots of legal jargon).
Our partnership ith PitStopHR will be launching on May 1st. You can access your current benefits by logging in to Indycube Community, (top right.) For more information on membership, how to access the HR helpline, and other queries, please get in touch with us - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..