IC | Membership 2018
April brings changes and updates to our Indycube Community Membership
In October last year we announced we were giving away FREE membership to our benefits package until the end of March 2018. Hundreds signed up and we’re really grateful to all those who’ve joined and become our “founding members”.
What speaks volumes is the diversity of these members, from graffiti artists to yoga teachers, engineers, to fair trade fashion retailers, we have a fantastic, broad, eclectic mix of small businesses, freelancers and self-employed members that we’re really proud to represent. People have signed up from all 4 corners of the UK with some from across the sea in Ireland, and it’s all starting to make a difference.
Our Founding Members have had a genuine impact. Their decision to join has enabled us to add more workspaces across the U.K, meet government ministers and advisors to raise concerns of the self-employed, give evidence to Parliamentary committees on the impact of Universal Credit, as well as working on a project with a European cooperative that will help revolutionise self-employment in the U.K.
The coming months will see us engage further in several campaigns already underway. Overdue payments, equal rights for working parents, parental leave and sickness pay are all on our go to list. But we want to do more and that’s where your membership is crucial.
What happens next?
From April 1st our membership rates go back to £10 a month, however as a way of saying thank you to our Founding Members, you can get the first 3 months for just £1 and (drum roll please....), we are also giving away a FREE desk day per month at any of our coworking spaces* (A desk day costs £12 per day (more if you’re not VAT registered), so membership is an instant saving if you want to cowork.)
You’ll continue to get access to FREE legal support, invoice & cash flow management and our benefits pack, plus you’ll get 15% off insurance for all your essential gadgets (phones, laptops, iPads etc) via InMyBag.
Most importantly, your joining Indycube has meant James from Cardiff got his invoice paid on time, Hilary and Dan from Walthamstow have been able to run their money-printing project from a real bank, Jackie and Sarah were able to kill their commute and work from Barry rather than traveling to the city every day and Mike was able to receive 6 months of Total Motor Assist for free. Your solidarity has made this, and much more, possible.
We want you to tell people who’d benefit from all of this, (including a free desk day remember!) to join! And those people you recommend can have the same three-month discount as you’ll enjoy. Once you’ve signed up fully, we’ll send you a link to pass on for discounted £1 membership - consider it your good deed for the month!
We’d urge you to keep your membership going by registering via the link below - the more members we have, the stronger our collective voice, and the more work we can all do to make our futures better.
Are you a desk user? We've got you covered.
We want to thank our valued desk users and coworkers as well as those Founding Members who chose to sign up to our benefits pack pior to April 1st. If you're signed up to a Part-Time, Half-Time or Full-Time coworking package, you'll be an IC Member by default, and will have access to our benefits pack, including legal support, invoice factoring and lifestyle benefits for FREE.
PS - If you’ve NOT signed up at all yet, and want to be a Founding Member too, you have time, but you need to be quick...
*Your FREE desk day can be rolled on indefinitely, redeemed when we bring an Indycube space closer to you, or passed on as an “indygift” to someone else you think would benefit.